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My Dialoge

Setting    : At beach, and at Cafe Situation : Ersi and Pandu are older friend and meet at beach E             : Ersi P             : Pandu E : Ohh i think the sun only 5cm from my face. E : Hey Bro, are you Pandu? P : Yes I'm, who are you? E : Oh my God, i can't believe that, i'm Ersi your guy from highschool. P : What? Oh my God, now you be a boss huh? wkwkwkwk E : Amin, that's my ambition, so i must work hard to get that position. P : Wkwkwkwkk, No, just like before you only need a little try and you can get what you want. E : Hahahahaha, Dude This is a real life, not like highschool dude, wkwkwkkw P : Hmm okay, So what are you dong in this beach? E : I think i just do a litle relaxation, and this beach be a good destination for tourist but i think the sun is too big today. P : I agree with you and look at that very much like europe face, but i think this sun make me feel like eats 100 ghost chily. E : Wkkwkwkwk and i think is good if

Manfaat Daun Jambu Biji

Bahasa Indonesia Manfaat daun jambu biji 1. Mengatasi Diare     Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan merebus daun jambu biji dan meminum rebusannya, diantaranya yang diatasi oleh air tersebut ialah mengurangi nyeri perut, mengurangi lembeknya feses dan berangsur-angsur diare menghilang. 2. Mengatasi diabetes      Daun rebusan ini juga dapat membantu mengurangi kadar gula bagi penderita diabetes, hal ini dapat dilakukan karena telah dilakukannya riset di Jepang tentang air rebusan daun jambu biji yang berguna bagi penderita Diabetes. 3. Mengatasi Kolesterol      Terima Kasih Sudah Mampir English The benefit of Guava Leaf 1.) Overcoming Diarrhea -This can be done by boiling the guava leaves and drinking the stew, among which is overcome by the water is to reduce abdominal pain, reduce the softening of the stool and gradually diarrhea disappears. 2.) Overcoming Diabetes - This stew leaf can also help reduce sugar level for diabetics, this can be done because it has done research

My favorite travel

ok back with me again and now i want to tell you about my favorite travel, maybe when i tell about traveling moment thats just a rare condition, because i to lazy to do that but sometimes i very want to do that because i think if not now so when i have some moment in journey with my closefriend, and then i have 1 moment when i traveling to PT. Erna Djuliawati and for first time when my friend invite me i just like want to reject their invite but my friends say they never go until i join them, ahhahaha so i join them to PT. Erna Djuliawati and we are make some meet to prepare the journey and we agreed to go at 06.00 am but we go at 09.00 am wkwkwkwk thats we call Indonesian Time. So we go to Pt. Erna Djuliawati from Liku street and every road who you through always see the bad road and i never feel the good road and i have a funny moment when me and my friend have some accident, the accident start when i and my friend laugh because see my friend almost fall to the river and then i laugh

Best Friend, Ma Man, Ma Bro

Ok back with me again,  Now i want to tell you about my best friend ever, his name was Roy simbolon and we meet for first in primary school and we just like some magnet we are always together but just like the other people sometimes we also fight although we are so close but actually we get close again after one of us apologize and when we junior highschool just like a dream we meet again but different class, me at d class and, roy at f class and in junior highschool we play futsal, this my first experience but roy first play futsal when his in primary school, because we in different class so in junior highschool we just meet when we back school because we back to home with oplet, and when we in junior highschool we play football together in TD fiedl but my class never get lose from roy class wkwkwkkwk. When senior highschool we school in the same scholl again in SMA 1 Sanggau and when this time we are in same Futsal Team our Team is PcS, my Team always win the game except

Favorite food

Ok, now back with me again 5555. Now i want to tell you about some food with a crazy taste , it is a bakmie that's the location on imam bonjol street and when the first bite on bakmie the taste of the noodles just like burst in our mouth and thats make me just like WOWWWW thats the awesome taste in the world but the best of this bakmie i never bored with this bakmie and when i have some money i always give our time to eat this bakmie and i think the chef who make this bakmie is a gift from God to us and just like the bible say every human have some talent  because i swear with the name of Neptune the taste is special and i never feel the taste like this before, just like melting gracefully in our mouth every mouthful and  the wonton is very crispy and make me feel so crazy and the soft meatball and i always wait for have some money to come to bakmie place and eat that but maybe next week hahahaha and i always waiting for that time, i really miss that sensation, and service in

individual part

PART 1 1. C. People appointed or elected to an office, especially as representatives of an organization or government department. 2. B . The elected head of a city, town, or other municipalities. 3. A. Members of a senate. 4. B. To put(somethig) into someone's care or protection. 5. A. Money paid by a borrower to a lender. PART 2 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T PART 3 1. - Local government      - State government       - Federal government 2. The mayor and city council member pass laws, and the laws affect the city and the people who live in there 3. State departement was protect the health and safety of state citizen 4. The President of United State 5. - can print the money       - it can negotiate with other countries       - It can declare war on another country

group part

The answer. 1.) In Indonesia have 3 levels of government there was a legislatif, eksekutif and yudikatif and eksekutif is the machine of this country because the president of Indonesia in in eksekutif. 3.) I woulcd choose jakarta, because in jakarta have meikarta and i really love jakarta just like i watch in tv, and  love jakarta because in there have university of Indonesia ang university of Indonesia is one of the good university in indonesia. 4.) -   U.S is federal state, while Indonesia is a unitary state.       -U.S The division of power between the federal and state governments, in Indonesia is held by the people's representative council with the president's head of state.        -U.S, the president is separated from the legislature, in Indonesia the president cooperates with the legislature.         -  U.S 4 years term and Indonesia 5 years term.
English The Profit of Video  Game 1. Train IQ Because while playing the game we will find useful strategies so we can finish the game. 2. Relieve stress because when playing games we can relieve stress after doing daily activities 3. Train English skills. many gamers who although ukan english people but have a good english accent as obtained from playing games. 4. Increase the positive spirit this happens when we experience defeat while playing the game because if we lose then we will play the game again to win it. Bahasa Indonesia Manfaat bermain game 1.    Melatih IQ Karena saat bermain game kita akan menemukan strategi-strategiyg berguna sehingga kita bisa menyelesaikan game. 2.   Menghilangkan stres karena saat bermain game kita dapat menghilangkan stres setelah melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. 3.        Melatih kemampuan berbahasa inggris banyak para gamers yang walaupun ukan orang inggris namun memiliki akse