My Dialoge

Setting    : At beach, and at Cafe
Situation : Ersi and Pandu are older friend and meet at beach
E             : Ersi
P             : Pandu

E : Ohh i think the sun only 5cm from my face.
E : Hey Bro, are you Pandu?
P : Yes I'm, who are you?
E : Oh my God, i can't believe that, i'm Ersi your guy from highschool.
P : What? Oh my God, now you be a boss huh? wkwkwkwk
E : Amin, that's my ambition, so i must work hard to get that position.
P : Wkwkwkwkk, No, just like before you only need a little try and you can get what you want.
E : Hahahahaha, Dude This is a real life, not like highschool dude, wkwkwkkw
P : Hmm okay, So what are you dong in this beach?
E : I think i just do a litle relaxation, and this beach be a good destination for tourist but i think the sun is too big today.
P : I agree with you and look at that very much like europe face, but i think this sun make me feel like eats 100 ghost chily.
E : Wkkwkwkwk and i think is good if we drink some coconut waters and eat the ice cream.
P : I agree with you, and i know some cafe who have the best ice cream in this world.
E : So, Let's do that, c'mon get in my car.
P : Yeah dude, Now you have a car? waw...
E : AHhahahahah
P : So this thats cafe?
E : Hmm hey, can you see that ice cream on that table dude?
P : yeah man, just like some Pretty woman.
E : So just order that, and i pay for you today.
P : Thank's man, wow this ie cream very very have a good taste, but i still hungry.
E : Really? So let's order the next food.
P : Are you sure dude?
E : Of course, but this time we pay with your Money.
P : Ok, forget thats plan.
E : Wkwkwkkwkwk
P : God please apologize this guy.
E : Hey, but what do you think about this ice cream?
P : This a good vanila ice cream, the taste is good with a sereal topping.
E : Yeah i know that, and the soft taste of the mint in inside.
P : Wwkwkwkwk, By the way,What's your dream?
E : My dream? My dream just sit in the meadow with my girlfriend and waste the time in there.
P : Waw, now you be a romantic man? wkwkwk
E : Wkwkwkkw, i'm not a romantic man, but i just want to have a spesial moment's with my girlfriend, but i don't know to make it real. And what your dream?
P : My dream just want to have a lot of Money and have a much girlfriend, wkwkwkwkwkw.
E : Waw !!! Thats a bad dreams.
P : Wkwkwkwk, hey i have chanel on Youtube about important tips like about the benefit of  Guava leaves.
E : Waw, thats good man, so you want to be a good youtuber?
P : Wkwkwkwkk No, be a youtuber is not good for 5 years to come.
E : So, what you want to do in 5 years to come?
P : I just want a be a good entrepreuner and i have a culiner Business and i think that the best investation for 5 years to come. How about you?
E : I want to have a new Friendly company and i want to travelling to New Zealand and see the much of cow wkwkwkwk
P : What the? Wkwkwkwwk
E : But i think when i travel to Ende, in East Nusa Tenggara and i see the Amazing view on Kelimutu Mountain, who have the 3 different colour crater lakes.
P : I know that and i want to see that, but i don't have a much Money wkwkwkwk.
E : If you think like that you never ever go to travel, wkwkwkwk.
P : But thats the true dude,
E : By the way, can i have your number?
P : Yeah, this my number.
E : So i want to go home now, because i have a meeting in Office in 1 hours, so see you man.
P : Yeah, see you, i hope you always be a succes man dude.
E : Thanks Man, I hope you too.


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